If You've Bought It, Flaunt It
— ... "Naturals," with their God-given, pain-free looks, have no place here. This stage belongs to those who have suffered for their beauty and now live beyond the cutting edge. All nationalities are welcome, but contestants must show a doctor's certificate at the door. At a news conference this month announcing the contest, to be held in early November, a host of beauty and cosmetic industry luminaries were trotted out, in a nation where plastic surgery is a runaway hit. "To us doctors, altering beauty is a very natural thing," Zhao Xiaozhong, a medical professor and industry expert, told journalists. "When you do sports, you alter your muscles. We do the same thing through surgery." ...
ORIGIN: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/latimests/20040821/ts_latimes/ifyouveboughtitflauntit SimpleToRemember.com - Judaism Online |