Jewish History Documentary

“Tighten your seatbelt. A remarkable ride through Jewish History…”
- Eric Mahr, Mahrwood Press
“...Phenomenal in its depth and real-life drama…”
- Susan Schiller, Media Consultant
Perhaps no other century in human existence experienced the terrible and remarkable contrasts of the 20th Century. The century was heroic and tragic, progressive and reactionary, forward-looking, and frighteningly regressive - a century of contradiction, confusion, and massive change.
Faith and Fate focuses on how all these events and occurrences impacted on one specific group of people - a people whose survival has defied the ravages and challenges not only of this century, but of the over 40 centuries that have led up to it.
Rabbi Berel Weinl will take you on a remarkable journey into Jewish history.
Faith and Fate powerfully and emotionally tells the story of how the events of the century impacted on the Jews - and the impact the Jews had on the century.
As Rabbi Wein puts it, “What makes this series so unique is that it puts the Jewish history of the 20th century into perspective. We can see ourselves in the “big picture” - how we fit into nearly 4,100 years of Jewish survival. Who we are as Jews? How and why we have survived so long? What is our purpose? And what is Jewish Destiny? It tells our children, and our grandchildren, that despite the tragedies, there are triumphs and that knowing where we come from will help us understand where we are going.
Faith and Fate includes original historical clips and photographs rarely seen.
A Berel WeinDestiny Series
click here to buy the DVD
Posted in: Jewish History
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Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen
Jewish Essentials
Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz
Jewish Mysticism and more
Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky
Funny & Entertaining
Rabbi Noah Weinberg
Personal Growth (48 Ways To Wisdom)
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
Personal Growth + wide variety of topics
Rabbi Mordechai Becher
Wide variety of topics
Rabbi Berel Wein
Jewish History +
Rabbi Dr. Dovid Gottlieb
Jewish Philosophy & more
Gila Manolson
Modesty & Relationships
Rabbi David Aaron
Kabbalah + more topics
Rabbi Binny Freedman
Inspiring Jewish Topics
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan
Variety of Jewish topics
Ken Spiro
Jewish History
Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald
Crash Course In Jewish Thought
Rabbi Aryeh Pamensky
How To Have A Better Marriage
Dr. David Pelcovitz
Positive Psychology and Personal Growth
Dr. David Rosmarin
Reducing Stress, Worry, and Depression