Marriage: Revisited

Let’s pretend
We never married
Kids? There are no kids
Grandchildren? Who are they?
No one we know ever died
No one ever got sick
The school never called with a bad report
Our neighbors never complained we were too loud
You never got me angry
I never made you sad
You never scratched the car
I never came home late
You never spent too much money
I never left my socks on the floor
You never complained
I never snored
You always squeezed the toothpaste from the bottom
I always took out the garbage
You’re still the same size dress as when we met
I still have a full head of hair
Your eyes still sparkle
I’m still young and dashing
I still love your smile
You still laugh at my jokes
I love your joy of life
You love my sense of caring
Are you doing anything Saturday night?
Would you like to see a movie (go out to eat, attend the Rabbi’s class)?
Sure, I’d love to
Hey Dad/Mom, I think I just met the girl/boy I’m going to marry.
Son/Daughter, I hope you’re as happy years from now as you are today.
Revisit it
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Posted in:
Relationships & Family
Max Anteby
October 24, 2010