An Apple a Day

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with having discovered gravity.
We all know how it happened.
He was sitting under an apple tree when all of a sudden a ripe, juicy apple plunked down on his head.
He said to himself, “Whoa. There must be some invisible force that pulls objects down to the ground.”
His kids never threw their bowls of cheerios out of their high chair? (Okay, they may not have had high chairs back then but he certainly knew the word “cheerio”! He was British you know).
So instead of discovering the miracle of gravity, he should have focused on the miracle of the apple:
Did he notice that the apple was totally green before it ripened so that it would blend in with the leaves so that no one would pick it before it was ready?
Did he look at the perfectly packaged, air-tight covering on the apple that seals out bugs and locks in the juices?
Did he ever take advantage of the free coupons inside the apple that entitles him to a lifetime of free apples if he would just plant them in the ground and wait around a few years?
Did he fully understand that within those seeds is the formula to recreate a tree of wood, complete with roots and bark and leaves and blossoms that are capable of reproducing exact replicas of that tasty fruit needing no food or nourishment except water, sunlight and tasteless soil?
Did he know that the tree actually knew exactly when to signal the fruit stem to automatically detach itself from the branch to allow the fruit to fall gently to the ground (or onto to his head) as soon as the apple was ripe?
Probably not.
He probably just ate it because of that other miracle of fruit – an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
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Posted in:
Max Anteby
August 23, 2011