BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgium's official anti-racism center said on Friday it was
preparing legal action to stop imports of an Italian wine with labels depicting
Adolf Hitler and other leading Nazis.
"A picture of Adolf Hitler is in itself too little (to trigger legal action),
but he's also doing the Hitler salute and there is this message 'One People, One
Empire, One Leader"' Ingrid Aendenboom, spokeswoman for the Center for Equal
Opportunities and the Fight against Racism, told Reuters.
"That falls within the framework of the anti-racism law," she said.
The wine "is apparently a huge success in Italy," but the Belgian public was
"very sensitive to this kind of thing," she said. The wine is sold at Belgian
flea markets.
The head of the wine producing company, Andrea Lunardelli, told German
television in September that the labels carrying phrases such as "Sieg Heil" and
"Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer" were made chiefly for the German market.
Its Web site says the labels "remind us of the lives of celebrated personages of
Italian and world political history such as Che Guevara, Churchill...Hitler,
Marx, Mussolini, Napoleon."
The German government asked Italy in September to investigate whether the labels
depicting top Nazis such as Hitler, Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler
violated European Union anti-racism rules.
German law strictly forbids the use of Nazi symbols or insignia, but German
tourists were importing the wine from Italy or buying it on the Internet.
Dec 5, 9:45 AM (ET)